What is Owlee, and how does it help?

Robert Rickers


Robert Rickers


Jul 18, 2022

What is Owlee, and how does it help?

What is Owlee, and how does it help?

You might have heard about Owlee on social media, by email or by word of mouth. No matter how you heard about us, something must have piqued your interest. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, marketing maverick or just need a helping hand advertising your products and services, Owlee has your back!

But what exactly is Owlee? Throughout this article, discover everything you need to know about Owlee and how this digital advertising platform can help your business with its marketing. Let's dive in, shall we?

What on earth is Owlee?

Owlee automates the entire digital advertising process for you. You no longer have to worry about getting to grips with marketing jargon, finding fancy freelancers or bankrupting your budget with a big agency.

From your creatives to your audience targeting to your campaign's launch and optimisation, Owlee does the hard work for you. Plus, we're solving a key industry issue.

When using most advertising platforms, it's difficult to know what results to expect. The number of customers and conversions up for grabs is a complete mystery — even when using big marketing agencies.

So, we thought we'd do something a little different. Owlee is a digital advertising service that guarantees results. And by results, we mean sales for your business. With Owlee, you know precisely how many customers you will gain before you even launch your campaign.

And since we believe in safe marketing, not gambling, if we fail to meet your sales targets, we'll pay you back the difference. Our customers never lose out.

And that's pretty much Owlee in a nutshell!

How do I launch a campaign with Owlee?

Want to launch a campaign with Owlee? Before you get started, make sure you have access to the tools and services listed in the checklist below:


  • A business selling products/services
  • Pictures or videos of your product/service
  • An e-commerce platform, e.g. Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento
  • Google Ads account
  • Google Analytics account
  • Facebook Business Suite

Got everything on our checklist? Great! Now you have everything you need to launch your very first ad with Owlee.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Head over to owlee.io and click 'Start Advertising Now!'
  2. Fill out our survey so we can learn all about your business and its products and services
  3. Submit the necessary business data to see if you qualify as a customer
  4. We'll send you an invite for a meeting with one of our in-house marketing experts
  5. Our expert will get to know more about your adverting goals and will install the Owlee Eye TAG onto your website (you need this to track sales)
  6. Preview your campaign, its target audience, its launch date and your guaranteed results
  7. Pay and launch (this takes around 3 days)
  8. Watch your campaign's progress in real time with our intuitive campaign monitor

How long do Owlee campaigns run for, and how much do they cost?

Owlee campaigns run for 7 to 14 days. If we don't reach your guaranteed results in this time, we'll pay you back the difference.

Our minimum ad spend starts at just £150. After that, it's up to you how much money you spend on your campaign. The more you're willing to pay, the more customers we can guarantee you.

How does Owlee work?

Curious to know what keeps Owlee ticking under the hood? Well, now it's time to find out. Just make sure to keep it between us. You wouldn't want our competitors finding out now, would you?

Our automated campaign builder is designed to make advertising more accessible. To create your campaign, Owlee analyses the data that you provide along with current market trends. Based on that information, our intelligent AI system gets to work writing your copy and designing the look and feel of your campaign.

To guarantee digital marketing results, we first need to install the Owlee Eye TAG on your website. The Owlee Eye TAG only collects first-party data and is used to better understand your user behaviour and track your campaigns' performance. Our intelligent AI system then generates an accurate predicted results forecast. We use this forecast to determine your guaranteed results.

Our Owlee Eye TAG is also responsible for determining the success of your campaign. It tracks precisely how many sales you achieved directly from your Owlee ads.

Multi-channel campaign launches are made possible by our tried and tested ad-resizer. It essentially resizes your ads to fit the dimensions and layouts of different ad platforms — enabling you to launch one campaign across multiple channels with a single click.

Post-launch campaign optimisation is handled by our in-house marketing experts. They work round the clock to ensure your campaigns reach the right audiences at the right time. Backed with the support of an AI connected to your first-party data and current market trends, your campaigns couldn't be in safer hands.

A world's first advertising service

At the end of the day, there's no other marketing platform out there that guarantees results like we do. So, we're putting our foot down. Planting our flag. And making the most out of a great idea. Because we know Owlee has the potential to change lives everywhere — from the suited and booted businessman to the value-driven end user.

So, what are you waiting for? Create your campaign with Owlee today!

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