An interview with Yury Panov, Founder & CEO at Owlee

Robert Rickers


Robert Rickers


Jun 25, 2022

An interview with Yury Panov, Founder & CEO at Owlee

Earlier this month, we sat down with Owlee’s CEO and founder, Yury Panov, to hear his thoughts and feelings on Owlee’s relaunch. Owlee has been several years in the making, and we couldn’t be more excited to release it to the public.

So, without further ado, here’s what Yury had to say!

“What was the idea that started Owlee?”

Yury: "The idea started because we knew how to make launching campaigns simple. We already had experience creating an automated service that launched ad campaigns in a simple way.

But, we also understood that this wasn't enough for entrepreneurs. While they may be experts in their own industries, they’re not marketing professionals. They struggle to understand the results that their current marketing services out there provide. And they certainly don't understand the true quality of traffic these services get for them.

For example, they might launch a campaign and get loads of new traffic on their website, but there's zero increase in sales. This is why it's hard for them to deal with marketing — they just don't understand the jargon.

When we came to understand that these entrepreneurs only deal with significant business results, we went back to the drawing board. What would be a significant business result for them? Just traffic, or tangible understandable results for their business such as sales?

Next, we started to think about how we could go out and actually provide those results. The biggest challenge for any entrepreneur launching an advertising campaign is that they never know what results they'll get from their traffic. It's almost impossible to predict. Marketing is full of surprises. Sometimes they're good. Sometimes they're bad. But always there's surprises. Wouldn't it be great if a service could guarantee sales instead of traffic?

So, our main challenge then became, 'how can we guarantee sales while results aren't always possible to predict?' That's when we got inspired by the finance industry. More specifically, the credit scoring systems that are popular with banks. When it comes to marketing, some clients have a strong chance of success, while for others, you can tell from the get-go that something will go wrong.

By looking at a business's past marketing performance, we can have an accurate idea of what results they could expect in the future. That's how we're able to guarantee our results - because we qualify our clients based on their past performance to see if they’re a good fit for Owlee.

And that's how we came up with Owlee."

“In regards to Owlee's relaunch, what are you most excited about?”

Yury: "I'm excited about two big things.

From a client perspective, I'm excited to solve many entrepreneurs' key source of pain. This marketing blindness, where they never know if they will get anything out of their marketing spend.

If our model works, it means that we can solve a key problem for the marketing industry and for SMEs. With Owlee, people won't waste their marketing budgets anymore. Not a single penny!

From a business perspective, I'm really excited to see the profitability of the Owlee model. We've had this hypothesis, felt it's the right solution, and we just want to show it to the world to find out if our insight is correct. So, I'm looking forward to the final proof that the model works and to what extent. My inner child wants to achieve his high score!"

“How long have you been working on Owlee?”

Yury: "We've been working on the current Owlee model for the past six months. Before that, we had an experience last year which involved launching a prototype service focused on automation and the simplification of the campaign launch process.

However, a lot's changed since then. With these projects put together, I'd say we've been working on Owlee for nearly three years. "

“What is your favourite Owlee feature?”

Yury: "Of course, I'm going to have to say the guaranteed results. The main feature is my favourite one!"

“What has been the biggest challenge for Owlee so far?”

Yury: "Dealing with a model where we need to manage client portfolios. Also, building the guaranteed results proposition."

“What are your hopes and dreams for the future of Owlee?”

Yury: "I want entrepreneurs in countries all around the world to know that there's a marketing service that they can actually rely on. I want them to think about Owlee in this way. After dozens of interviews with entrepreneurs, I really feel like their key issue is acquiring new clients, which in turn results in growth for them."

“Are there any competitors that you're worried about?”

Yury: "Some services have started to talk about similar things to us. However, they're just talking. No action. I feel that there'll be some new competitors in the room in a couple of years' time. Even when running our prototype model, we quickly had people mimicking our product. However, Owlee is the first player at the table in terms of guaranteed results."

“What date will Owlee launch?”

Yury: "4th July 2022!"

So, there you have it, folks! We hope you enjoyed our interview with Yury. Maybe, we even drummed up some excitement for our upcoming launch?

If you have any questions or thoughts, fire them at us in the comment section below. We love reading what you all have to say. And if you’ve enjoyed this post, why not give it a like or a share.

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Catch you next time!

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